Wills Inc

2219 Main Street c

Santa Monica, CA 90405

Privacy Policy

November 6th 2023

1. Introduction        

2. Information We Collect        

3. How We Use Your Information        

4. How We Share Your Information        

5. Your Choices and Controls        

6. Data Security        

7. Retention and Deletion        

8. Children’s Privacy        

9. International Data Transfers

10. Third-Party Links and Services        

11. Your California Privacy Rights        

12. Updates and Notifications        

13. Contact Us        

14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction        

15. Additional Information for European Economic Area (EEA) Users        

16. Additional Information for California Residents        

17. Additional Information for Residents of Other Jurisdictions

18. Closing Statement from Vincent Hoonings, Founder and CEO        

1. Introduction

Explanation of the Purpose

This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the data we collect, why we collect it, and how it is used across all facets of the Wills platform, including the Wills App, Wills.com website, and any other channel or service related to Wills Inc. We believe in complete transparency when it comes to handling your personal information and ensuring its protection. By using any part of our services or accessing our platform, you consent to the practices described in this policy.

Scope and Application

This Privacy Policy applies to all users of the Wills platform, encompassing individuals who create content, designate recipients, or interact with any component of our platform. It also extends to the data collected through our website, emails, and customer support services. Please be aware that this policy does not cover any third-party services, even if they are linked to or integrated with our platform.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Wills Inc is dedicated to ensuring that this Privacy Policy remains accurate, comprehensive, and protective of your privacy. To achieve this, we may need to make updates and changes as our services evolve and in response to legal and regulatory developments. Any revisions to this policy will be promptly communicated to you through our platform, including the App and our website. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about how we are protecting your privacy.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or the privacy practices at Wills Inc, please contact us at info@wills.com. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and security of your data and appreciate your trust in our platform.

2. Information We Collect

At Wills Inc, we collect various types of information to provide you with our services. This section outlines the categories of information we gather.

User Account Information

When you create an account on our platform, we collect personal information to establish and manage your account. This may include:

This information is essential for personalizing your experience, securing your account, and enabling our services.

Content and Media

Wills Inc provides a platform for you to create and share content, such as videos, messages, and documents, with designated recipients. This content may include:

Please be aware that the content created on our platform may be deeply personal and is encrypted to protect your privacy. We consider it your sole property and ensure it's only accessible by you and your designated recipient(s).

Recipient Information

To facilitate the delivery of mementos, gifts, or other assets to your chosen recipients, we collect recipient information, including:

This information allows us to fulfill your posthumous delivery wishes and maintain your chosen intervals for gift deliveries.

Technical Information

To improve our platform and provide a better user experience, we collect technical information about your device and its interaction with our services. This includes:

We use this data for analytics, troubleshooting, and enhancing the performance and functionality of the Wills platform.

Payment Information

For users accessing premium features and making purchases through our platform, we collect payment information to process transactions. This may include:

We rely on third-party service providers for payment processing and do not store your payment information on our servers.

We value your trust and are committed to safeguarding your data. If you have any questions or concerns about the information we collect, please contact us at info@wills.com. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of data protection and security.

3. How We Use Your Information

At Wills Inc., we are dedicated to the secure and respectful handling of your information. This section outlines the various ways in which we utilize the data we collect:

Delivering User Content: We employ your information, including text, media, and assets, to fulfill your wishes and convey your heartfelt messages to the designated recipients at the precise times and in the manner you've chosen.

Platform Functionality: Your information is also utilized to ensure the proper functionality of the Wills platform, enabling you to create, schedule, and manage your mementos effectively.

Communication: We may use your data to communicate with you, delivering essential updates, notifications, and information regarding your account, our services, and any changes to our terms and policies.

Analytics and Personalization: To enhance your experience, we analyze user data to gain insights into how you use the platform. These insights may be utilized for personalization and improvements, ensuring that the services we offer meet your needs.

Legal and Security Purposes: Your data may be employed for legal and security purposes, such as verifying your identity, enforcing our terms, and safeguarding the platform against misuse and potential threats.

Third-Party Services: In cases where third-party services, such as payment processors, are used for specific aspects of our platform, we may share your data with these providers to facilitate transactions and other functions.

Our commitment is to ensure that your data is used solely for purposes that align with the secure and respectful conveyance of your love and personal values. If you have any questions or concerns about how we use your information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

4. How We Share Your Information

We understand the importance of privacy and ensure that your data is shared only in specific circumstances. This section outlines the situations in which we may share your information:

With Designated Recipients: To fulfill your wishes and deliver your heartfelt messages and assets, we share your information with the designated recipients you've chosen. This sharing is done with the utmost care and security, ensuring your intentions are honored.

With Service Providers: In certain aspects of our platform, we may engage third-party service providers, such as payment processors, to facilitate transactions and other functions. We share your data with these providers as necessary to ensure the secure and efficient operation of our services.

Legal Obligations and Security: There may be instances where we are legally obligated to share your information, such as responding to valid legal requests, protecting our rights, safety, or those of others, and addressing fraud or security issues. In such cases, we will disclose your data with the appropriate authorities or entities as required by law.

Business Transfers: In the event of a merger, acquisition, or any other business transfer, your information may be transferred to the new entity. We will make every effort to notify you of such changes and the implications for your data privacy.

Rest assured that our commitment is to safeguard your information and share it only in ways that align with the secure and respectful conveyance of your love and personal values. If you have any questions or concerns about how we share your information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

5. Your Choices and Controls

At Wills, we believe in providing you with options and control over your information. This section explains how you can manage your choices and control your data:

User Account and Profile Information: You have the ability to review, modify, and update your account and profile information at any time. This includes details such as your name, contact information, and account preferences. Keeping your information accurate and up-to-date ensures that your wishes and messages are accurately conveyed.

Memento Delivery Options: We understand that your preferences for delivering mementos and assets may change over time. You can adjust your delivery preferences, scheduled messages, and recipients as desired. We provide flexibility to ensure your wishes are respected.

Deactivation and Termination: If you ever decide to discontinue your use of our services, you can choose to deactivate or terminate your account. Keep in mind that certain content, such as mementos and important messages, may continue to be delivered posthumously even after deactivation or termination. We're here to guide you through this process, and our support team is available to assist with any questions or concerns you may have.

Your control and choices are essential to ensuring that our platform meets your needs and respects your values. If you have any inquiries about managing your account or delivery preferences, please feel free to reach out to us. Your satisfaction is our priority.

6. Data Security

We prioritize the security of your data to ensure that your personal information and heartfelt messages remain protected. This section provides an in-depth overview of our data security measures and your responsibilities:

Security Measures:

End-to-End Encryption: At Wills, your privacy is paramount. We employ state-of-the-art end-to-end encryption protocols to safeguard your content. This means that your mementos, messages, and personal information are encoded and can only be deciphered by the designated recipient(s). Our team, including technical staff, cannot access or view your private content.

Secure Storage: We utilize secure data storage systems to safeguard your personal information, ensuring it is not exposed to external threats or breaches. Your account details, mementos, and user content are stored in a manner that prioritizes data protection.

Regular Security Audits: Our security systems undergo regular audits and evaluations to identify potential vulnerabilities and rectify them promptly. These assessments are conducted to ensure that we uphold the highest security standards.

Access Control: We implement strict access controls to restrict unauthorized access to your data. Only designated personnel are granted access to system components as necessary to provide services.

User Responsibility for Data Security: While we employ robust security measures to protect your data, you also play a vital role in ensuring your information remains secure:

Secure Account Access: It's essential to maintain the security of your account access. Use strong, unique passwords and enable multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your account.

Privacy of User Content: Safeguard your mementos, messages, and other personal content by sharing them only with individuals you trust. Remember that our end-to-end encryption ensures only the intended recipients can view your content.

Be Cautious with Your Information: Avoid sharing sensitive information, such as login credentials or payment details, with others. Our support team will never ask for your password or sensitive data via email or other non-secure communication channels.

Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about online security best practices. Regularly review your account activity and immediately report any suspicious or unauthorized access to our support team.

Ensure Secure Device Access: Take precautions to secure your devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and computers. Use device lock features and enable encryption where possible.

Maintain Up-to-Date Software: Keep your operating systems and applications up to date with the latest security patches to protect against potential vulnerabilities.

By working together, we can create a secure environment where your information remains confidential and protected. We are committed to supporting you in your data security efforts and ensuring your cherished memories are handled with the utmost care. If you have any security-related questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Your peace of mind is our priority.

7. Retention and Deletion

This section outlines our policies regarding the retention and deletion of user data, ensuring that you have clarity on how your information is managed:

User Content:

Data Preservation: We are committed to preserving your mementos, messages, and content to fulfill your posthumous delivery wishes. As part of this commitment, your user-generated content will be stored on the platform until it is successfully delivered to the designated recipient(s).

Scheduled Deletion: To respect your privacy and preferences, we will delete your content according to the delivery schedules you have set or after successful delivery, as instructed by you.

User Control: You have control over the content you create. You can specify the delivery conditions and timing for your mementos, allowing you to manage your digital legacy as desired.

Account Deletion:

User Choice: You have the option to deactivate and delete your account at any time. By doing so, your user-generated content will be deleted from the platform, ensuring the privacy of your information.

Scheduled Deliveries: If you have scheduled deliveries set for a future date, they will still be carried out, even after the deletion of your account.

Legal Requirements:

Data Retention for Compliance: We may be required to retain certain user data to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our user agreements, or protect our rights, security, or interests.

De-identification: In situations where data must be retained for legal reasons, we will take steps to de-identify the data to protect your privacy.

Legal Requests: We may be obligated to provide access to user data for law enforcement or other authorized entities, as required by applicable law.

We value your control over your data and privacy. This section aims to ensure that you understand the retention and deletion processes as they relate to your user-generated content and account. Should you have any questions or concerns about data retention or deletion, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are committed to providing clarity and transparency regarding these processes.

8. Children’s Privacy

The protection of children’s privacy is of utmost importance to us. This section outlines our approach to children's privacy:

Age Restrictions:

User Age Requirement: To use our services, including the Wills App and Wills.com, individuals must be of the legal age required by their respective jurisdictions. Typically, this is the age at which a person can legally form binding agreements. We do not knowingly collect or store personal information from users under the specified legal age.

Parental Guidance: If you are a parent or guardian and are concerned that your child has provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us. We will take steps to remove this information and deactivate the child's account.

Parental Rights:

Parental Involvement: We encourage parents and guardians to be actively involved in their children's online activities. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has used our services, please contact us for assistance, including account deactivation.

Limitations on Collection: As part of our commitment to children's privacy, we have put in place measures to minimize the collection and use of personal information from individuals under the legal age. This includes specific consent requirements for any user who may fall into this category.

Educational Resources: We are dedicated to promoting education and awareness regarding children's online privacy. To this end, we provide educational resources and guidance for parents and guardians to help them navigate their children's online activities.

By implementing these policies, we aim to protect the privacy of children and provide parents and guardians with the necessary tools to safeguard their children’s online experiences. If you have any concerns or need assistance regarding the privacy of a child, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We are here to help and to ensure that your child's privacy is respected and protected.

9. International Data Transfers

At Wills Inc., we take data protection and the privacy of our users seriously. This section outlines our practices concerning international data transfers:

Data Transfer Consent:

User Acknowledgment: By using our services, including the Wills App and Wills.com, you acknowledge and consent to the transfer of your personal information to other countries or regions outside your own. This is necessary to fulfill our commitment to providing global services.

Protection Measures: We take extensive measures to ensure that international data transfers are conducted in compliance with relevant data protection laws and standards. Your information will only be transferred when we are confident that it will be adequately protected.

Data Protection Laws:

Legal Frameworks: International data transfers are governed by a variety of data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and other regional regulations.

Cross-Border Transfers: Our international data transfers comply with these data protection laws. When your data is transferred to a different country or region, it will still benefit from the same level of protection that it would have received in your own jurisdiction.

Privacy Rights: We respect your privacy rights and continue to uphold our commitment to safeguarding your personal information. International data transfers will not impact your ability to exercise these rights or affect our responsibility for ensuring data security.

Contractual Safeguards: To guarantee the security of your data, we employ contractual safeguards and legal agreements with our service providers who may be located in different countries. These agreements enforce data protection commitments in line with applicable laws.

This section clarifies our approach to international data transfers and underscores our commitment to preserving the privacy and security of your personal information, regardless of the region you are located in. We adhere to the legal frameworks that govern international data transfers and put in place the necessary safeguards to protect your data throughout its journey. If you have any questions or concerns regarding international data transfers, please feel free to contact us. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to upholding it at all times.

10. Third-Party Links and Services

At Wills Inc., we strive to provide a secure and respectful environment for our users, and as part of our service, we may interact with third-party links and services. This section outlines our policies and approach regarding these connections:

Third-Party Links:

User Awareness: Our platform, including the Wills App and Wills.com, may contain links to third-party websites, applications, or services. We aim to ensure that these links are relevant, helpful, and safe. However, we encourage users to be vigilant and aware when clicking on such links.

Responsibility: Users should understand that by following third-party links, they may be entering websites or services that are not governed by our Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions. These external sites may have their own privacy policies and terms, which you should review.

Third-Party Services:

User Interaction: Our services may involve interactions with third-party services. For instance, we may utilize third-party payment processors for subscription payments. Users may also choose to connect their accounts with third-party platforms for a better experience.

Data Exchange: When users interact with third-party services through our platform, certain information may be shared with these third parties. This information exchange is subject to the third party's privacy policies and terms.

Protection Measures: We encourage users to review the privacy policies and terms of any third-party services they interact with. Although we choose third-party services carefully, we cannot control the data practices or security measures of these entities.

This section clarifies our position on third-party links and services. While we make efforts to ensure that any external connections are safe and relevant, we urge users to exercise caution and review the privacy policies and terms of third-party sites or services. These external entities may have their own data practices and security measures, which we do not control. We are committed to maintaining a secure and respectful platform for our users and appreciate your cooperation in making informed decisions when engaging with third-party links or services. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your security and privacy are of the utmost importance to us.

11. Your California Privacy Rights

Wills Inc. respects the privacy rights of its users, including those residing in California, United States. This section outlines how California residents can exercise their specific privacy rights in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):

Request for Information:

Data Access Request: As a California resident, you have the right to request information about the personal data that Wills Inc. collects, uses, and discloses about you over the preceding 12 months. You may make this request up to twice in a 12-month period. Once we receive your request and verify your identity, we will provide you with the information, which will cover:

Request for Deletion:

Data Deletion Request: You also have the right to request the deletion of your personal data that we have collected. Once we receive and verify your request, we will delete your personal data from our records and direct our service providers to do the same. However, please be aware that there are certain exceptions where we may not be able to fulfill your deletion request. If this is the case, we will provide you with an explanation.

Submitting Your Request:

Method: You can submit a request for information or deletion by contacting us through our dedicated request form, or by sending an email to info@wills.com. We may request additional information from you to verify your identity and process your request.

Authorized Agents: If you prefer, you may designate an authorized agent to make these requests on your behalf. In such cases, your authorized agent must provide written permission and verify their own identity to act on your behalf.


Wills Inc. does not discriminate against users who choose to exercise their privacy rights under the CCPA. This means that if you exercise your rights to request information or deletion, we will not deny you services, charge you different prices, or provide you with a different level or quality of services.

Please note that some of the personal information collected, as outlined in the "Information We Collect" section of our Privacy Policy, is essential for providing the core functionality of our services. As such, deleting certain data may impact your ability to use our platform.

Wills Inc. is dedicated to respecting the privacy rights of all our users, including those in California. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your California privacy rights, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to facilitating the exercise of your privacy rights and ensuring the security and privacy of your data.

12. Updates and Notifications

At Wills Inc., we prioritize your engagement with the App and your awareness of impending memento deliveries. This section elaborates on our notification procedures and highlights the importance of your active participation in managing these deliveries.

Memento Delivery Notifications:

Proactive Alerts: Our commitment is to keep you informed about the delivery proximity of your mementos, which encompass a wide range of deliverables, including both physical and digital items. We use a variety of notification methods to ensure you are well-informed about impending deliveries.

Best Efforts: We will make our best efforts to notify you about these deliveries, helping you maintain control over the process and ensuring you are prepared for their arrival.

User Responsibility:

Acknowledging User Responsibility: While we are dedicated to keeping you informed, it is essential to recognize your responsibility in this process. We provide ample methods for notifying you, but your active engagement is vital for ensuring the success of memento deliveries.

Inactivity Timer: To prevent deliverables from being sent, broadcast, or executed, it is your responsibility to regularly engage with the App and reset the inactivity timer. This ensures that deliveries only occur when you are ready and aware of them.

User Negligence:

Loss of Responsiveness: In the event that you lose your phone, neglect your email, or for any other reason become unresponsive to our notifications, we cannot be held liable for the non-delivery of mementos.

User Engagement: We urge you to stay engaged with our platform, regularly checking your notifications and resetting the inactivity timer. This level of interaction helps ensure that your deliveries align with your preferences and needs.

We understand the importance of your mementos and their timely and secure delivery. By actively participating in the management of your account and staying responsive to our notifications, you play a crucial role in the success of this process. Our aim is to provide a secure and respectful platform for you to convey your love, personal values, and cherished memories to your designated recipients. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.

13. Contact Us

We are committed to providing exceptional support and assistance to our users. This section outlines how you can get in touch with us for any questions, concerns, or assistance you may require.

Customer Support:

Our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you with any issues, inquiries, or guidance you may need. We are devoted to ensuring that your experience with the Wills platform is as smooth and enriching as possible.

Contact Information:

If you need to reach out to us, you can contact our customer support through the following means:

Email: You can send your queries or concerns to our support team at info@wills.com. We strive to respond to all inquiries promptly and effectively.

Mailing Address: If you prefer to communicate through traditional mail, you can reach us at:

Wills Inc.

2219 Main Street, #320

Santa Monica, CA 90405, USA

We appreciate your trust in us and thank you for using the Wills platform to convey your love, personal values, and cherished memories to your designated recipients. If you ever need assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to providing the support you deserve.

14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

At Wills Inc., we believe in transparency and respect for our users. This section outlines the governing law and dispute resolution methods associated with the use of our platform.

Choice of Law:

Dispute Resolution:

We value your trust and cooperation and aim to provide a secure, respectful platform for conveying your love, personal values, and cherished memories to your designated recipients. While we prioritize your lawful and positive experience on our platform, we encourage you to seek legal advice when necessary to understand how local laws may apply to your use of the Wills platform.

15. Additional Information for European Economic Area (EEA) Users

We understand the importance of providing additional information specific to users from the European Economic Area (EEA). This section outlines key details relevant to EEA users.

Legal Basis for Data Processing:

For EEA users, we process personal data under the lawful bases as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These bases include the necessity of processing for the performance of a contract, compliance with a legal obligation, protection of vital interests, consent, performance of a task carried out in the public interest or the exercise of official authority, and legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or a third party.

The specific legal basis for processing your data will depend on the purpose for which it was collected. Please contact us if you need more information regarding the legal basis for a particular data processing activity.

Your Data Protection Rights:

EEA users have specific data protection rights under the GDPR. These rights include the right to access, rectify, or erase your personal data, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability, and the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent if processing is based on your consent.

We will respond to your requests to exercise these rights without undue delay and no later than one month after receiving your request. In certain cases, we may extend this period by an additional two months due to the complexity and number of requests.

If you believe that our processing of your personal data is not in compliance with applicable data protection laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the EEA.

We are committed to ensuring the protection of your rights and data privacy in accordance with the GDPR. If you have any questions or need to exercise your data protection rights, please contact us.

16. Additional Information for California Residents

Notice to California Residents:

California residents have specific privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This section provides information on these rights, the data we collect, and how to exercise your rights.


If you are a California resident, you have the following rights:

To exercise any of these rights, please follow the instructions provided in Section 11: Your California Privacy Rights of this Privacy Policy. We will respond to your requests to exercise these rights as required by the CCPA.

Please note that only you, or someone you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information. You may also make a verifiable consumer request on behalf of your minor child.

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy rights are protected in accordance with the CCPA. If you have any questions or need to exercise your privacy rights, please contact us.

17. Additional Information for Residents of Other Jurisdictions

Applicable Laws:

Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have specific privacy rights under your local laws. This section provides information about these rights, the data we collect, and how you can exercise your rights. Please note that if you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), we've covered your rights in Section 15.

Rights Under Local Laws:

If you are a resident of a jurisdiction other than California or the EEA, you may have specific privacy rights under your local laws. We respect these rights and are committed to protecting your data in accordance with the applicable regulations of your region.

Your specific rights may include:

To exercise any of these rights or to request more information about your rights under your local data protection laws, please contact us using the information provided in Section 13: Contact Us.

18. Closing Statement from Vincent Hoonings, Founder and CEO

Dear Users and Friends of Wills,

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I address you today, both as the founder and CEO of Wills and as someone who deeply believes in the power of preserving love, personal values, and cherished memories. The journey to creating Wills has been a deeply personal one for me. It was born from a place of profound loss and the understanding of how complex, challenging, and impactful such moments in our lives can be. I wanted to create a platform that would provide individuals with the means to communicate their love and final wishes in a meaningful and secure way.

Since the inception of Wills, our mission has been clear: to offer a safe space for you to express your emotions, create cherished mementos, and ensure that your personal values are conveyed to your loved ones, even when you're no longer with us. Your trust in our platform is what drives us to continuously improve and offer better ways for you to connect with those you hold dear.

While we work diligently to make Wills a reliable and secure platform, we understand that technology, like life, is not without its uncertainties and challenges. That's why I'm writing to acknowledge your role in this shared journey. It's your engagement with our app, your careful management of your account and the preferences you set, and your use of the platform that allows us to fulfill our mission.

We aim to notify and alert you about the delivery proximity of your mementos, with all the care and precision that your heartfelt messages deserve. We understand the importance of these deliverables, which consist of various forms, from the digital to the physical, and we commit to doing our very best to ensure their safe delivery.

However, in this process, we must also emphasize that we depend on your regular engagement with the app. It is your responsibility to ensure that the inactivity timer is reset, preventing the delivery of your mementos until you're ready. Should any of your deliverables be missed due to user negligence, such as the loss of your phone or failure to check your email, please understand that we cannot be held liable. Our notifications and reminders are there to assist, but their effectiveness also relies on your active participation.

Once again, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your trust in us. We are continuously working to provide the most secure, reliable, and respectful platform for you to convey your love and cherished memories. Your support and engagement with our platform are invaluable, and we look forward to being part of your journey, helping you create lasting connections with your loved ones.

Thank you for choosing Wills.

Warm regards,

Vincent Hoonings

Founder and CEO

Wills Inc.

Vincent Hoonings and the entire team at Wills Inc. extend their appreciation for your trust in our platform and are dedicated to enhancing your experience as you use Wills to preserve your most precious memories and personal values.